I am really pleased with the response I'm getting to my designs and have a few more in the pipeline.
Garden Pond is a semi-circular shawl with lace bands and a simple lace border. It's a good shawl for beginner lace knitters as it's all fairly intuitive and there's areas of stocking stitch where you can mentally catch your breath (although it's more of a gentle walk than anything energetic)
Here's a picture of the initial version I knit as a present for my youngest older sister. The published pattern is slightly different with more lace on the border

I love the colour, sister mine. How about knitting me a guitar strap some day? That would be pretty unique :-)
Garden Pond had an official visit to Holyrood House Palace yesterday, as the wrap for a black tie event. It was much admired (and also, provided a much needed layer against the chill of a scottish summer evening)
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